It almost sounds cliche' to say that music has been such a huge part of my life since childhood. Well, it has and continues to be.
Admittedly, I haven't chosen to branch out too much to explore much new music. There are some genres that I might be inclined to nose around in, but I usually stay in my lane, which is the slow lane. Even the Eagles aren't living "life in the fast lane" anymore. Those genres are Americana, Bluegrass, Singer-Songwriter, Goth and Rock. That right there shows you how diverse my musical tastes are.
I have tons of CDs and my husband, a vinyl collector, has tons more CDs and albums and we listen to those in the house. I prefer CDs in the car, but have been known to stream Spotify with some good headphones while driving. Spotify is my preferred way to listen to music and they have rewarded me by picking up on my algorithms and choosing a weekly playlist for me, which can be an interesting trip down memory lane and a way to discover music and artists I've never heard, based on Spotify's knowledge of what "they" think I will enjoy.

This is most of my latest Spotify curated playlist. Some of my favorite songs are on there, such as The Rain The Park and Other Things, New York Groove, and Dirty Work (it's always great to get a Steely Dan song on one of these!)
Where did they get it wrong? New Moon on Monday, You Never Done it Like That and I Walk on Guilded Splinters. I never was a huge Duran Duran fan, but this is my least favorite hit song of theirs and even though I adore most cheesy 70's songs, The Captain and Tenille are just meh.
Of course, there is the option to like certain songs, which gives the algorithms more to work with. As an experiment, I'm going to try that to see what happens.
I like this list and this is a nice looking blog! I'll be back. Cheers!